In different fields of activity there are different definitions of advertising. But from a practical point of view, the main purpose of commercial advertising is to stimulate the sale of certain goods or services at the present time and / or in the future. For this purpose, advertising affects the buyer and promotes the acquisition of the goods or services advertised. In this impact, various methods and techniques are used, aimed at working with different mental structures, both on the conscious and unconscious level. Lets define these methods and techniques by the term “advertising impact”.
For the sake of simplicity of presentation, we will talk about the advertised goods, meaning both goods and services. Of course, when we talk about advertising, we mainly focus on commercial advertising. But many of the methods we describe are used, with some changes, in non-commercial advertising as well, in particular, similar methods are used in political advertising. However, we will focus on television commercials and outdoor advertising in the examples below, as they tend to use a wide range of different methods of advertising impact most clearly. If you want your advertising to be effective, you should use services of modern companies such as Fortuna Custom Shop.
As noted, the strategic objective of advertising is to increase sales of a company’s products. There is no doubt that the consumer knows both about this task and the various methods of advertising, that is, we do not consider methods of hidden advertising impact. Some of the methods can be considered complex, and some are simple and clear. Let’s result two examples of simple and clear methods – “affirmative statements” and “selective selection of information”.
Affirmative statements
The method consists in using statements that are given to the consumer as a fact and implies that these statements are obvious to the consumer and do not require any proof of their own truth. Most advertising is built on this method, at least in secondary roles. Often offered to the consumer statements from a rational point of view and in isolation from advertising look at least an exaggeration.
Selective selection of information
This method is based on special selection and use of only those facts which represent the advertised product in a favorable light. It should be noted that this method is often found in political campaigns and election commercials. However, in both above mentioned methods the consumer, as a rule, has no doubt that these methods are used. As a consequence of this fact, the use of only these methods does not have the proper effect, however, their use together with others can increase the advertising impact. The complete absence of these two methods may weaken it considerably.
Like everyone else
It is important to link a product to a specific audience of advertising and product consumers. This can be done by increasing the identity of the person or group involved in the advertisement to the audience. In other words, consumers will more likely perceive the advertised product as belonging to them if the consumers of the advertised product are perceived as “their own”. Another psychological trick, on which the use of this method is based, is to overcome distrust in advertising. In the case of advertising that uses images that are close to the audience of consumers in a manner of behavior and speech, consumers will be more likely to trust this advertising. This approach provides an opportunity to increase the demand for the product and to achieve that in the end sales will gradually grow and you can count on excellent results.