The average user today makes purchases on the Internet, chooses vacation tickets, discusses privacy problems and even before contacting a lawyer first “Google” feedback about him. Complete lack of information about a specialist on the World Wide Web will alert this user even more than negative reviews. To draw attention to his practice on the Internet pages will help tools of law firm digital marketing. It is important to understand that by working for recognition and memorability of you personally as a specialist or your company as a whole, you repeatedly increase the distance trust of a potential client. It is necessary to declare yourself on the Internet, if you want to have a stable flow of clients in your practice. Do you agree? Then let’s look at the points, how and where to get clients to the lawyer.
The website can rightfully be considered as a fundamental tool of Internet marketing of a law firm or an individual specialist. Competently designed and built on the “selling” laws resource for a long time will provide a passive inflow of clients into practice. The site will allow not only to multiply clients, but also to save existing ones (provided that the materials on it are regularly updated).
What information should be on the site to attract clients?
- The information about you and your experience, real photos. Let the potential client to get acquainted with you in advance and necessarily prove level of professionalism by certificates, awards, long-term operational experience.
- Selling service descriptions. Dry lists of services of lawyers, one way or another, the same type. To make these lists more attractive and understandable to the client will help “tasty”, bright texts, which are written in living human language.
- Competitive advantages. What makes you different from your competitors? Free consultation? Discounts? A 24-hour hotline? Your potential client needs an argument – the best you can do. Think about it.
- Client testimonials and case studies. Reviews of grateful customers will add confidence and trust to you to those who are still thinking about buying your services. How to make cool cases that will surely work, read this article.
- Practice insurance. Internship insurance is not compulsory. But it’s another item in the moneybox of your solidity and seriousness as a specialist.
Social networks
Social networks are the easiest and most obvious answer to the question of where to get clients for a lawyer. It is in social networks daily communicate and spend time looking for interesting information millions of people. In addition to a personal profile, you should have a page for your practice – that’s where you, as well as in a personal blog, can publish useful information for potential and existing clients. It is important that your pages, like the site, do not look abandoned. To do this, you should regularly add interesting content.
Legal blogs
Publication of copyright materials on popular legal sites will allow you to attract attention to your practice. What topics should be covered in a legal blog?
- Current legislative changes.
- Practical tips, templates of documents execution, etc.
- Interesting lawsuits and own successful cases.
If you are ready to write articles on your own, such advertising will be free for you and will require only time. The main thing is to choose the right topics of materials, highlighting the most pressing issues closely related to the sphere of your practice. So if you need some help with law firm digital marketing, you can use services of Lasting Trend.