In order for organic hemp oil to bring maximum benefit to your body, you need to be able to use the product properly. In this article you will learn how to use hemp seed oil and what results can be achieved with constant use of this product.
Cooking with hemp oil
Vegetable oils are the traditional filling station for dishes, and hemp is no exception to the rule. Our ancestors widely used this product for cooking vegetable dishes, potatoes, porridge. With the introduction of the law banning the cultivation of hemp seed oil has become exotic, although historically it has been common in many countries. The high organoleptic characteristics of hemp oil ensured its popularity in cooking. The product has a nut flavour with a little sourness and an appetizing aroma, so this ingredient will blend harmoniously into your usual diet.
Proper use of hemp oil provides for its use in cold form. The product is used as a dressing for any salads, vegetable stew, stewed dishes, add to ready-made soups, dishes of pasta, potatoes, beans and cereals, sauces, salad dressings and marinades, eat with flour products. Hemp seed oil is a completely vegetable product, but it contains components that the body usually receives from animal food. If you are a vegetarian, it is recommended to include the product in your daily diet to prevent deficiencies in amino acids, vitamins B, A and D.
Frying, heating and ultraviolet are prohibited
Untreated hemp oil should not be used for frying, and it is not recommended to heat it! It has a lower boiling point than sunflower, soybean, palm and some other vegetable oils that are used for frying and frying. Heat treatment destroys most of the useful components that contain hemp seeds. These are polyunsaturated fatty acids, in content of which hemp is a real record holder and is not inferior to fish oil. In addition, when heated heavily, the taste of the product changes for the worse, the oil starts to thaw, so you risk just spoiling the dish. You can buy hemp oil at https://greenpapas.com/products/full-hemp-flower-cone/.
Another reason not to heat hemp seed oil is the formation of potentially dangerous peroxides. These compounds are formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids when exposed to high temperatures. Please note: omega-acids and other valuable biologically active components of hemp oil are also destroyed by air and sunlight. To prevent oxidation, add oil to the dish before serving it to the table. Proper storage is also important. Store the hemp seed oil in a tightly closed dish on the refrigerator door or in a dark, cool place. It is advisable to use the contents of the started packing for a month, as the shelf life of the organic product is short.

Bottle of virgin olive oil pouring to bowl close up
How do I take hemp oil for medicinal and prophylactic purposes?
The product can be used as a natural general tonic and health-improving product by taking it daily. Just one tablespoon of hemp seed oil will provide your body with a lot of useful substances:
- 8 g omega-6 acids;
- 2.5 g omega-3 acids;
- 10% of the daily rate of vitamin E.
It is easy to ensure that the product is not accidentally classified as a superfood. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, experts advise to take a tablespoon of oil two or three times a day for 30 minutes before meals. To satisfy the daily need for polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is enough to take 14-28 ml of cold-pressed hemp seed oil daily.
How long does the course of taking hemp oil last?
Since the product is completely natural, it is well absorbed. It can be used in courses or permanently as an additional source of omega acids, vitamins, mineral compounds. Regular use of hemp oil is recommended for athletes and people who subject the body to high physical and psychological stress. It is also worth including this product in your diet during recovery after surgery, serious illness, childbirth.