“For the last few years, people have been saying wages are going to take off. And of course, they haven’t,” says the in an American workers’ wages.
, published in the Spring 2015 issue of Dartmouth Engineer Magazine. Two years ago George Boateng ’16 created an abbreviated version of for high school students back home in Ghana. “Even before I took ENGS 21, the thing that blew my mind about this class was that students without advanced… Read more“Engineering Student Brings ‘Innovation Revolution’ to Ghana”
Enterprise “Smith and his colleagues at the Institute want to upend our assumptions about the way computer security systems work, which means that they want to challenge computer security system designers to think about the way people really use computers. Smith calls it ‘finding the holes,’” writes the magazine…. Read more“Think Like a Hacker (‘Enterprise’)”
, published by the Geisel School of Medicine. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has awarded a five-year $3.8 million grant to Geisel School of Medicine’s (CTBH). The award will support the launch of the new Northeast Node in NIDA’s National Clinical Trials Network (CTN), and clinical trials conducted… Read more“Dartmouth Receives NIH Grant to Launch Clinical Trial Network”
In an opinion piece in Seventeen magazine, actor, comedian, and writer Mindy Kaling ’01 says she had a tough time in high school. The good roles in school plays went to the “popular, pretty people,” she writes, and her now-famous wit fell on unreceptive ears. Nevertheless, she worked hard, and… Read more“Mindy Kaling ’01: How I Managed to Succeed (‘Seventeen’)”
Setting aside the obsessive coverage of Donald Trump and the process of picking the other nine candidates who will share a stage with him at Fox News’ Republican debate on Thursday, Dartmouth political analysts offer a tip sheet for what to watch for beyond the circus parade. Andrew Samwick, director… Read more“Dartmouth Primary Watchers Handicap GOP Debate”
President Barack Obama called out Dartmouth fellow Jamila Mayanja from a crowd of hundreds of young African leaders at a summit for the president’s Washington Mandela Fellowship program Monday, sharing a laugh with the Ugandan entrepreneur. Mayanja was at Dartmouth for the month of July as one of 25 fellows… Read more“Obama Hails Dartmouth Fellow at Young African Leaders Event”
“Thoughts of mathematics are never far from my mind—a hazard of the profession as mathematician, perhaps,” writes , a professor of mathematics and the William H. Neukom 1964 Distinguished Professor of Computational Science, in a Huffington Post opinion piece. Sometimes these thoughts are brought to mind by major world events,… Read more“From Marzipan to Mathematics (The Huffington Post)”